
Gwensarah - 2002-08-24 02:27:37
I bared my soul and fell in love with a boy.. running's maybe the page I should have taken instead. I also fell in love with 24 Hour Party People..and waxed nostalgic about my teenaged drama set to the tunes of Factory's brightest and most tragic.
christopher-ian - 2002-08-28 03:27:11
i know... i know... i should have more walls in place. i should have kept some people at arms distance. i should have sometimes turned and walked away instead of going in deeper. i know... i love recklessly. i still risk the chance. and sometimes i fall and get scraped but i get up and keep going. i can't stand the artificial walls we end up building within ourselves, denying us happiness in the name of self defense. it's just not in me to hide or run away anywhere else in my life, i'm not sure i should have to make that exception for love. so, i leave it open: my heart a bullseye, an open dare to take a shot. the risk of pain to get at that rush of bliss.

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