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2005-06-13 - 8:47 a.m.


Things you should be doing right before vacation include packing, researching your destination, and getting a good night's sleep.

Things that are not advised include rearranging the entire apartment's furniture, scrambling to finish a writing assignment you should have done weeks ago, moving half of your boyfriend's personal property into the living room, and staying up unpacking said boxes until the wee hours...

Ahem. Let's just say I've been more on the "not advised" side in the past 24 hours. However, it's awesome that my boy was anxious/excited about molving in and didn't want to wait until we returned from Italy to start nesting here and making this apartment our home.

And when he referred to it as our home over dinner last night, I bit my lip. He's not the first boy I've loved, nor is he the first boy I've lived with, but this all feels so different, and special, and more than what has come before it.

any comments? (3 so far)

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