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2003-03-09 - 7:25 p.m.

i am un chien andalusia

inky I thought I was going to pop into the studio to attach my stencil film to my screen then skeedaddle back home. But I was wrong. Instead of coming home to write in a sunbeam, I cut up a half dozen sheets of speckled dark toned paper samples and did some mono printing until studio hours were over. I also snapped some photos of the ink cupboard (an old white and olive green refrigerator) including the one you see here.

I should be making my Paris hotel reservations tomorrow (which hotel I choose depends entirely on the size of the tax return), plus my DC and NYC flight reservations... which brings me to an interesting dilemma.

All of a sudden, everyone wants a piece of my time...and not just my time here -- my vacation time as well. A friend who has been in seclusion for the past 5 months want to invite herself to NYC with me. A friend whom I've not seen in two months wants me to stay in the loft he's renovating when I'm in NYC...Both want me to go out to dinner and museums and shops with them non stop.

BUT, in all honesty, my travel is about time with myself and seeking out the new or the less accessible. So, I have to tell these SF friends the hard truth: I love you, but you can't play with me in NYC this time around. My limited time is already spoken for, with my itinerary on a need to know basis and not open to negotiation by "johnny come latelys" who live less than a 30 minute bus ride from my house. This may seem selfish and mean of me, but I have learned the hard way that sometimes you have to be selfish to ensure you're not meeting everyone else's needs at the expense of your needs/wants/happiness/pleasure.

On the topic of people maintaining their happiness, I recall coming across a post somewhere here on diaryland about a girl and one of her ever-so-fashionable gay boyfriends helping out one of their diamond-in-the-rough, style-lacking friend boys by giving their wardrobe/apartment/life a makeover.

Some smarty pants read that accunt, or one similar elsewhere, and pitched it to a salivating television network. It's going to air next Fall...provided they can find the right contestants.

Specifically, they want clueless guys who are facing some sort of major life event (marriage, turning 40, whatever). In return for appearing on television, professing your cluelessness to the rabid viewing audience, THE QU**R EYE F*R THE STR*IGHT GUY (this is, apparently, the show title, at least for now) will provide a makeover -- i.e. find the victim (er, sorry, willing participant) new clothes, get him an attractive haircut, teach him all about skin care products, clue him in to the hip places to go, introduce him to people he should know, and fix up his abode to better impress the significant other(s) in his life. Classy.

These services will be performed by the show's "elite team of professional, gay men from the world's of Men's Fashion, Grooming, Interior Design, Food & Wine and Culture."

Be afraid. And don't talk to strangers in NYC with video cameras hovering over their shoulders.

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