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2002-06-08 - 9:08 p.m.

i started something�

Cal Academy aquarium The lovely aquarium photo you see here appears to be quite harmless, doesn't it? Well, it's not, really. You see, after snapping this photo, the small child who had been standing next to me as I cropped the photo tugged on her grandmother's sleeve and said "do you have a camera?" After grandma answered in the negative, she proceeded to ask each family member for a camera, until she got to her mother.

"Do you have a camera?"

"Yes," stated the absentminded mother.

"You need to give it to me," demanded the child.

"No, it's in the bottom of the bag," the mother said wearily.

"Give it to me!" shrieked the little girl.


"She has a camera! I want to take pictures!" the little girl is now screaming at her poor mother.

"Our camera can't take pictures in the dark like that lady's camera does"

I scurry away just as the mother is asking the little girl "Who has a camera?" and the grandmother is so helpfully pointing me out, so the mother can blame me for wrecking her idyllic Saturday jaunt to the California Academy of Sciences.

The purpose for my visit to this temple of mirth was to view their much hyped skulls exhibit. I was displeased by the placement f the florescent lights -- their glare blocked my view and photos of many interesting pieces. Sigh. I still took many photos that are destined for these pages, but, overall, it lacked the ambiance of their Bats! exhibit of a few years ago�

I followed this jaunt up with a stroll through Golden Gate Park and lunch at Avenue 9 (always one of my favorite places to eat.) I was able to choke down only the tiniest smidge of my very tasty niman ranch burger with white cheddar on foccacia. I've lost my appetite as the warm weather has set in, I think. All week I've been bribing myself to eat with tasty treats like fish and chips, burgers, and beer.

This week was an amazingly busy one, leaving me no time or energy to write here. All my extra energy went into the enjoyment of living in the moment�This afternoon was thus rightly spent lounging in a sunbeam on my sofa, reading and napping.

Though I learned many insights into usability this week (of both Web sites and myself, even), I have found one usability issue that remains unsolvable: saying no when asked out by a boy you've just met. I can't think of any nice way to do it.

I will admit here, and here only, to playing up the divorce angle to soften the blow. "I'm not ready to date anyone." That's my standard reply if I can�t dodge it before it happens. Ex:"Salsa dancing? I have no idea where you�d do that. Not my scene at all. Why do you ask?" If I could bottle whatever it is this week that's been causing me to hone my skills in this area, I'd be financially solvent for a long, long time.

It's so much nicer getting to say "yes" to the boy who makes your heart flutter�hell, saying anything at all to such a boy is lovely! But I digress.

Note to boys everywhere: if you're doing work in a cute girl's apartment (and you've never met her before), she's probably going to think it's creepy and weird if you ask her out, especially before you've finished your job. Got it? At least wait 'till you're on the way out the door.

'nuff said.

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