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2002-06-04 - 5:35 a.m.

i think we're gonna be friends

fountain Yesterday's 8 a.m. MUNI ride reminds me why it's worth it to get up at the crack of dawn to get to work before 8...The worst part (other than the squishyness) was listening to people explain over and over that you must move the hell off the stairs for the doors to close and the bus to get rolling. Ugh.

Since yesterday morning's destination was a Web usability conference, I had little choice in the timing of my commute, unless a hotel breakfast buffet geek fest was desired...which it was not.

As I descended the two long flights of excalators deep into the bowels of the hotel, I realized attending events like this one is a really good justification for *not* going out with any more Web geek boys. I sincerely hoped the one who had 7 or 8 glasses of wine in under 2 hours on our first (and only) date isn't there. Ditto for the Web development firm head who hasnt spoken to me since I declined his job offer 2 years ago. Luckily, I trained myself long ago not to respond to hearing my name shouted acrosss a crowded floor, and honed this skill at many concerts. As long as you don't look around and don't mingle, you're fine.

I think I need to change career fields, or seriously consider moving somewhere else and starting over. I used to love the fact that I had no ex-boys, thanks to that little spurt of recreational dating I engaged in at the start of the year, it seems they are everywhere. Yuck.

[NOTE: Tap water and smelly coffee were the only morning refreshments made available yesterday -- NO JUICE! What crap.]

The entire weekend was spent sorting out my storage unit and main storage closet, boxing up the last remnants of my ex-boy and of married life. In addition to getting more of his pesonal effects, he's getting stuck with some of the horrible, unwanted wedding gifts, such as the brightly painted platter with little people all over it. [Who knew there was more of this stuff lurking in the closet???] However, in the interest of good karma, I threw in a few things I knew he'd really wanted but would never ask for. He was pleasantly surprised when he surveyed his haul last night. I wouldn't let him look through everything though, since it should be thought of like Christmas, and it's no fun if you peek at all your presents in advance...I hope he's having fun with all that stuff now.

In many ways, it's liberating to look around and not see so many reminders of him, or of us. It will also be easier to pack up and move if that's what my future holds for me. I was impressed with the Amazon VP who spoke and would love to work with them...should have asked her about the role of marketing in the product development cycle, but I was distracted for some reason...

Since I finished The Nanny Diaries (which was laugh out loud funny towards the end) yesterday, I must go figure out what to read next...we had several long breaks yesterday and I expect the same today and can not count on finding someone engaging to talk to...must also feed myself since I can't stomach the green something (tortilla?) wrapped watery eggs...

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