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2002-08-01 - 5:40 p.m.

romance is rubbish, i guess...

tea garden tree This tree shaded me from the sunshine in the japanese gardens. This image evokes for me the smell of Seattle: Aveda body lotion, Body Shop chamomile and aloe sunscreen, and Play Clay. The scent of the sunscreen most quickly puts me back in that time and's heavenly...

Today, the fog overshadowed all else as I, minding my own business (as usual), schlepped in to my local HMO's beautiful new offices to replenish my supply of anti-allergins, depleted courtesy of the beautiful springtime weather...

as is usually the case, everyone there was polite, my appointment was timely, and my nurse practitioner tried to beautify me. The latter item happens whenever I turn up here... the ear nose and throat guy always wants to redo my nose (broken whilst in college, at a concert); today's nurse wanted to zap a mole with some liquid nitrogen, real quick like. My visits to the doctor are always like this.

I trundled off to the elevators with my supplies in hand. I excel at the proper working of the elevator. When I'm the first one in, I always press the "open door" button to keep my elevator companions-to-be from getting squished in the doors. I also ask everyone what floor they need and push the buttons. I'm real helpful like. Two gentlemen waved me onto the elevator ahead of them, and I started my typical elevator behavior, which apparently delighted them.

The taller of the pair (well over 6 feet tall) turned to me, smiled, and said "thank you" in a voice much too weak and small to come out of such a large frame. I hope I smiled back. But I'm not sure I did.

You see, I was preoccupied with this man's appearance. He clearly had some sort of affliction that had prematurely aged him, turning his hair a bright white, and sinking his large brown eyes into his skull. He came off like a lumbering skeleton giant. To the best of my recollection, I think I smiled at him quickly, then stared at my feet for the duration of the trip, unable to hold his gaze. He shuffled off the elevator with his companion, and turned back to again thank me for my kindness.

I felt a wave of sadness wash over me, of compassion for this stranger who took great pains to walk short distances and yet made such efforts and took so much pleasure in thanking me for this small gesture of civility.

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