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2001-12-11 - 6:49 a.m.

man size

snowman cookie I spent all day Sunday frosting and decorating Xmas cookies like Mr. Snowman here. Please note: Mr. Snowman is publicity shy, and a surrealist, hence the stylized depiction you see here. Please also note that Mr. Snowman is no longer with us, having succumbed to my cup of vanilla almond tea this morning.


The cookie-making frenzy was accompanied by the creation of 2 huge pans of fudge (one milk chocolate with pistachios, the other dark chocolate.)

When I shopped around my fudge at 8 a.m., I was displeased to learn many of my coworkers simply could not think of eating fudge that early in the morning. You'd think I was asking them to spike their Peet's coffee with brandy! Those brave souls who bucked the corporate trend and savored my sweets are now forever on my good side.

All this holiday treat making was for our department's holiday potluck, held yesterday afternoon. I got there late thanks to being stuck in training, but not too late to take part in all the planned activities. My team kicked butt in the organized games, thanks in large part to the hyper competitiveness of one member of management and me, plus the awesome trivia knowledge of our temp Kelly. Yes, we invited a temp who had been working with us just for the day to join in our festivities 'cuz it seemed like the right thing to do. This is what I like about the people I work with (see the weird time issues around eating fudge mentioned above for what I don't like about them.)


I took off after the party to see Ocean's Eleven...since the friend I met up with there hadn't eaten dinner, I filled her up with cookies and fudge...when I saw the couple sitting next to me eyeballing my cookies, I asked them if they wanted one...clearly shocked at the offer, they mutely stared back at me. I offered the cookies again, and this time they each took one. The boy part of the couple immediately decapitated the snowman he chose to eat, and then made headless snowman comments.

The cookie pushing continued at the bar we went to after the movie, with me getting a usually grouchy bartender to smile and eat cookies, and to invite me to their holiday party. Yes, I'm one of those sick people who really gets excited about watching other people eat the food I slave over...

My darling kitty is screaming at me, and I need to get off the computer and go to work...unlike some of you lucky daytime-posting diarylanders, my workplace won't tolerate such fun and games as writing in one's diary while on the clock...then again, things are so hectic at work that I sometimes forget to eat lunch, so it's probably a good thing not to have this distraction there. Looking forward to coming home tonight, having a glass of zinfandel, and going to bed early...ahhh, the joys of the holiday season...

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