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2002-01-19 - 4:40 p.m.

And your kiss kiss kiss
Is never gonna blow me away

Westminster Abbey Windows Is it really almost time for dinner? I am pleased to report that I really, truly, accomplished nothing today other than reading emails, magazines, and writing this entry right now. This is quite a different path for this day than the one I'd planned: farmers' market at crack of dawn and rest of day spent simmering pasta sauce and making chocolate pistachio biscotti. The reason for not reaching my goals? Girl's night.

I think everyone has a friend (or two if you're really lucky) with whom you get into loads of trouble. The friend with whom you end up eating too much, drinking too much, and staying out too late. That's who I was with last night. We had incredibly tasty egg/bacon/cheese english muffins for dinner, then started in on chatting over tasty glasses of merlot, watched some Sex in the City reruns, met up w/her roommate at a bar, and ended up back at her place intending to stay up all night watching cheesy movies. Luckily, we fell asleep before staying up late enough to damage us much further.

I was back up at 7:30 since she had to go to work. I trekked out to procure some bagels and coffee for our breakfast�as we ate and chatted, we realized neither of us could remember falling asleep. We suspect her roommate turned off the tv and tucked us into bed.

The funniest thing we recall from the entire evening though was leaving her roommate and her roommate�s date at the bar and seriously contemplating taking a cab home. This is funny because she lives less than 3 blocks from the bar. Our reasoning? She lives up a steep hill, we were tired, and wanted to get home as quickly as possible. Instead, we walked very slowly back to her flat, stopping to procure a big cheesy slice of pizza�

I crawled back into bed when I got home to catch up on all the sleep I've missed out on for the past two weeks (stayed in bed 'all morning). I think I am just starting to feel human again now...

On a more lively topic, sorting through the mail last night before heading off on my girl�s night adventure, I was confronted head on with proof of the extent of my food and wine obsessions, as illustrated by the following items all arriving at the same time:

  • Zinfandel fest tickets
  • Valentine's mailer from Swanson Vineyards, tempting me to call up and order their special bonbons and a bottle of Swanson Alexis for Valentines Day.
    (NOTE: If a boy surprised me with these items, he would win about a million and one gold stars.) (ALSO NOTE: I am not holding my breath waiting for the surprise ID'd in previous note to happen.)
  • Invitation to the local Slow Food chapter�s "Celebration of Istrian Cuisine" dinner.
  • Spottswoode Vineyards newsletter.

Looks as though I�ll be able to enjoy a *very* tasty 2002�

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