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2002-03-19 - 6:53 p.m.

this could be heaven

Embarcadero MUNI shelter I am sitting at the computer, impatiently awaiting my grocery order from which is slated to arrive here between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. I realize now I am far too impatient to be able to sit through a two-hour delivery window. I want to change into something more comfortable and crawl into bed with the iBook, but, instead, I sit here in work clothes, awaiting my delivery. Ugh.

I loved ordering groceries from Webvan (R.I.P.) They had short delivery windows (half hour? hour?), carried my favorite wine, and delivered to lots of people in my neighborhood, making it easy to schedule a delivery. So far, this experience is no match for Webvan. In the cruelest twist of fate, I couldn't use the iBook to place the order -- the javascript kept messing up. And if you can't order your groceries online whil lounging in bed on a Sunday morning, then why bother ordering them online at all?


But I digress.

So here I sit, listening to the excellent Stratford 4 "Revolt Against Tired Noises" CD, waiting for my groceries and reading magazines. I have a huge stack of books waiting to be read, including some I've borrowed from friends, but the desire and attention span just isn't there. That means it's reading magazines or just staring out the window on the bus as I traverse across the city.

That said, I went on a full magazine binge today at Fog City News, a lovely news emporium full of everything I'd like to read if only I had the free time and disposable income to purchase it all. My key buys:

Clearly, the music mags were what captivated my attention, which is no surprise. dwell was picked up on the basis of its "reinventing suburbia" cover story since the geography and cultural impact of city architecture has long been an interest of mine. (NOTE: I have the Harvard School of Architecture's new tome on the architecture of shopping weighing down one end of my coffee table right now even.)

I left work early to come home and finish up some creative projects I couldn't concentrate on there, but, so far, this is as close as I've gotten to doing anything resembling work. This means I'll either be up all night, or be up at 4 a.m. working.

The only thing I'd *want* to be doing at 4 a.m. is kissing a shy, sweet, witty, articulate boy...

Why is my head still in the clouds? And when will it return?

I think I'd better log off before I write something that gets me into trouble. Cheers.

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